Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of this policy 

  1. The Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) contain requirements that apply to organisations (including Commonwealth companies) in relation to handling personal information and sensitive information. 

  2. This Privacy Policy describes how the Australian Sports Foundation Ltd (ACN 008 613 858) (ASF) and ASF Community Sports Fund Pty Ltd (ACN 619 867 855) as trustee for Australian Sports Foundation Charitable Fund (ABN 97 179 064 897) (ASFCF, together with ASF, ASF Group, us, our and we) collects, uses, holds and discloses your personal information and sensitive information within the meaning of the Privacy Act. In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” and “sensitive information” have the meanings provided in the Privacy Act. 

  3. We may update this Privacy Policy at any time and will publish any updated policy on our website. 

2. Kinds of information we collect and hold 

2.1 Personal and sensitive information 

  1. Our activities and services, and the purposes for which we collect personal information, include: 

    1. Enabling and managing philanthropic support for Australian sport through the receipt and processing of tax deductible donations from individuals and distributions from ancillary funds. We collect personal information from individuals and ancillary funds to: 

      1. enable donations from individuals and distributions from ancillary funds to be processed, receipted and acknowledged; and 

      2. facilitating ongoing communication with donors and ancillary funds on service level matters or provide them with information on new sporting projects they may wish to support, including via mailing lists. 

    2. Delivering grant programs to enable the achievement of defined Australian sport objectives. We collect personal information from project partners and potential project partners in order to: 

      1. maintain effective communication during the life of each of the projects;  

      2. provide us with information regarding the beneficiaries of its grants; and 

      3. report on the impact of grants distributed. 

    3. General business purposes, including to: 

      1. operate, develop and administer our business; 

      2. communicate with individuals, project partners, ancillary funds, service providers and others; 

      3. prepare and publish reports on the impact of projects funded by us; 

      4. assist with individuals’ queries and queries from financial institutions relating to individual transactions; 

      5. determine whether to engage potential employees and contractors 

      6. complete audit processes and comply with taxation law, the  Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth) and other laws and regulations. 

    4. We also collect sensitive information, for example information about health, disability and racial or ethnic origin. We will only collect this information where it is reasonably necessary for our functions and activities and will only do so with your express prior consent. 

    5. For example, we will collect sensitive information where we provide services relating to specific groups or demographics such as people with a disability, or people from a particular cultural background. 

    6. You may visit our websites without identifying yourself. If you identify yourself (for example, by providing your contact details in an enquiry), any personal information you provide to the ASF Group will be managed in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

    7. We may collect personal information in hard copy form or electronically, as well as verbally or over the phone. The personal information that we hold about you will depend on the nature of the activity or service we are providing to you. It may include (but is not limited to) your name, contact details, date of birth, occupation, financial records and details, employment and travel information. 

    8. We only collect personal information to the extent that it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, the relationship we have with you. 

2.2 Web Information 

  1. We collect metadata relating to website usage (and other online platforms), including by using cookies and other analytical and tracking tools, for statistical and administrative purposes. The types of information we collect include: user interactions, device data, location, usage patterns and other information. 

  2. If you do not wish to receive any cookies you may set your browser to refuse cookies. However, this may impact on website functionality and the services provided to you. 

  3. The information is used to analyse our server traffic in order to improve user experience and the services offered. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except where required by law (without your prior express consent). 

  4. This website contains links to third party websites, including those that relate to the sports activities we are facilitating support for. We do not have control or responsibility for those third party websites or their compliance with their privacy obligations (if any). 

  5. We do not combine this information with other data in a manner which would identify your personal information, but note that ASF Group treats any personal information in accordance with the APPs. 

3. How we use personal information 

  1. We use personal information to provide our services and operate our business as described above, and otherwise as required or authorised by law. 

4. How we collect and hold personal information 

  1. We will normally collect personal information directly from you. This may be through application forms, donation forms, grant reporting surveys, legal agreements, over the telephone, the internet, or in person. 

  2. We may also need to collect personal information from other people or organisations. Some examples of the people or organisations from whom we may collect personal information about individuals are: 

    1. ancillary funds; 

    2. project partners and potential project partners: sporting, community and educational organisations including trusts and foundations; 

    3. publicly available sources of information (such as the internet); 

    4. an individual’s representative (such as a parent, coach, project contact, legal adviser, financial advisor, business manager); 

    5. an individual’s employer; 

    6. other government bodies and agencies; and 

    7. financial institutions. 

  3. On occasion, sensitive information may be collected from other people or organisations such as a grantee where they are delivering a program or service under a grant agreement with us, and for the purposes of raising additional funds or reporting on the impact of funds raised. 

  4. We will hold the information we collect on systems managed and maintained by us and/or our third-party cloud storage service provider (the Cloud Service Provider). We have an electronic documents and records management system that takes all reasonable steps to comply with government and archival standards and legislation. 

5. Storage and security of information 

  1. ASF Group will take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information and sensitive information we collect is held in a secure format and protected from loss and misuse, as well as unauthorised access, modification, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. The information may be held either in hard copy or electronically.  

6. When we will provide personal information to others 

  1. Sometimes we may provide personal information to external organisations. Generally, these are organisations that help us conduct our programs and activities, including marketing, as well as to improve our service offering to you. 

  2. We provide personal information collected in relation to particular projects to our project partners. For example, we include personal information about donors to particular projects to the project partner, unless the donor requests anonymity. 

  3. We take reasonable steps to limit the personal information we provide to external organisations to what they need to provide their services to us or that is necessary for a particular project, and aim to disclose only the personal information necessary to provide services to potential donors, donors, project partners and the relevant regulatory authorities. We take reasonable steps to ensure that any organisation that we contract with: 

    1. meets the privacy standards required by us in protecting personal information and complies with the Privacy Act; 

    2. uses the personal information provided only for the purposes of the specific service being provided to us, and for no other purpose. 

  4. We may also provide personal information to others outside ASF Group where: 

    1. we are required to by law or have a public duty to do so; or 

    2. you have expressly consented to your personal information being supplied to others for particular purposes. 

7. Disclosure of personal information to overseas recipients 

  1. We seek to limit the disclosure of personal information to overseas recipients. 

  2. We provide our services for the development of sport in Australia and this may include Australian project partners throughout the world. At times this may require personal information, including sensitive information, to be disclosed overseas. 

  3. We may also disclose personal information to overseas recipients where an individual has expressly consented to their personal information being supplied to overseas recipients (for example, to a parent company that matches gifts made by its Australian-based employees). 

  4. We may contract overseas organisations to provide products or services to ASF Group or its donors or project partners. 

  5. Where we have contracted with a Cloud Service Provider, the Cloud Service Provider may create a backup of our data and store that backup overseas.  

  6. By providing your personal information to us or using our services, you consent to the disclosure of your personal information outside Australia as set out in this Privacy Policy. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is handled by any overseas recipients in accordance with the Privacy Act and this Privacy Policy. 

8. Access and correction of personal information 

  1. You have a right to request access to personal or sensitive information held about you, and to request its correction. Requests for access to personal information or sensitive information held by ASF may be made by contacting the address below. If it is information that you are entitled to access, we will endeavour to provide it to you in a suitable way (e.g. by email or mail). We may charge a fee to cover our administrative costs in providing the information.  

  2. Requests may also be made that we update or amend information we hold about you; we will either amend the information, or make a record of the request, as appropriate. 

  3. Your right of access under the Privacy Act operates alongside other available processes to obtain personal information. 

9. Retention and destruction of personal and sensitive information 

  1. ASF Group will destroy or de-identify personal and sensitive information as soon as practicable once it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected.  We will take reasonable steps and use appropriate techniques and processes in destroying information. 

10. Questions and feedback 

  1. Questions or feedback about this policy should be directed to the above contact details. 

  2. We commit to respond in a timely manner.   

  3. If the feedback is a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, we will advise what (if any) action we consider appropriate to take in response or if we do not agree, we will provide reasons. If you are unsatisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (, who may investigate our actions.