

The Australian Sports Foundation website provides a wide range of information to all Australians. We take seriously our obligation to provide information in accessible formats.  

We aim to provide accessibility features across our website including (but not limited to): 

  • Providing alternate text for all images. 

  • Meeting AA colour contrast for all text. 

  • Breaking up content in a logical order using nested headings. 

  • Avoiding flashing or blinking elements and loading. 

  • Ensuring text is easy to read using large font sizes and left-aligned text where possible. 

  • Providing clear error feedback and focus states for online forms. 

Our website aims to conform to Web Consortium Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2) priority AA checkpoints.  

We aim to continually improve our website. 

If you encounter any problems while using this website, or find that content is inaccessible, please contact us.