The Benefits of Sport

Improving Every Australian's Life Through Sport

Sport's impact on the Australian way of life is underestimated. It's at the very heart of every community impacting our culture, society and economy. Sport has the ability to improve the health and wellbeing of all that participate regardless of age, ability, background or gender. 

The benefits of sport go well beyond just health. You can't underestimate the positive impact sport has on our culture, society and economy. Our communities are strengthened when we come together to play sport, building a sense of belonging and feeding our national identity.

  • NEW


Community Consultation

The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is working with the Australian Government to attract new sources of philanthropic funding to community sport across Australia.

The participation of community clubs and amateur athletes in the consultation process is crucial.

From July to September 2024, we want to hear from the clubs and athletes that will be affected by this change.

Find out more

Better Health, It's just the Beginning

We all know that physical activity is the key to good health. Regular activity helps prevent a range of diseases, heart attacks, cancer and diabetes, but sport does more than just keep us physically healthy. An entire community benefits from sport participation. From players to family to volunteers, sport brings people together.

This allows new friendships to form and builds a sense of belonging and pride. The confidence that is built from playing sport helps foster important life skills which benefits individuals through to adulthood. Not only do people who play perform better academically, it improves our overall mental health and wellbeing in every aspect of life.

Communities Thrive Through Sport

Sport provides individuals, communities and the nation with benefits that go beyond just health.


Sport brings positivity and calmness into an individual's life. Research has shown it helps reduce anxiety and depression.


Sport improves social connectivity and inclusion. It builds communities, enables diversity through larger social networks and creates friends for life.


Kids who play sport learn critical life skills, build resilience and confidence which helps them perform better in school.

Sport: Strengthening the Economy of Australia

Sport is a major contributor to the economy of our Nation, generating around $50 billion each year and accounts for 2-3% of Australia’s GDP. Fourteen million Australians participate in sport annually, 1.8 million volunteer 158 million hours each year, and 220,000 are employed across the sector. However, sports economic impact goes much deeper than that. A child playing sport develops critical life skills which helps to produce more balanced and successful adults.

Competition early in life seems to particularly help women in breaking down the barriers in the workforce, with over 94% of women in executive positions having played competitive sport. Sport also encourages mixed ethnic friendship which helps to develop a culturally diverse community where individuals are not locked out from opportunities due to racial and background differences.

Total Economic Value

Sport generates around $50 billion to Australia's economy each year through direct economic, productivity and volunteering benefits.

Improved Cognitive Development

Research has shown playing sport improves a child’s attention, thinking, language, learning, and memory.

Building Success

A study done by espnW found that 94% of women in executive positions played competitive sport.

Building Social Cohesion

People who play sport are 44% more likely to have mixed-ethnic friendship groups than non-participants.

Building a Healthier Australia

It's clear the benefits of sport go way beyond health. But health and sport go hand in hand.  Playing sport has a positive impact on the physical and psychological health of people of all ages and social groups.

  • Overall

30 Minutes

of exercise a day

Is all that is needed to reduce your risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.  It helps maintain a healthy weight, improves moods and reduces stress.

  • Brain


reduction in cognitive decline in people who participate in high levels of activity.

People who participate in moderate activity show a 35% reduction compared with those who are sedentary.

  • Life Span

150 Minutes

of physical activity each week can increase your life span for up to 7 years.

Higher levels of activity can increase your lifespan more, regardless of your weight, age or gender.

  • Cancer


reduced rate of developing kidney cancer if you keep active.

Exercise improves immune systems and prevents high blood pressure levels that are linked to cancer.